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The Predictive Index®

People Intelligence

Results Driven

The Predictive Index® system is a combination of Employee Assessment, education and consulting.

The Predictive Index® survey is a managerial assessment tool that provides insight into the natural workplace behaviors of prospective and existing employees – resulting in improved hiring decisions, team performance, overall communication, and workforce productivity.



Turn potential into performance

Align your talent with your goals

What are your goals?


In order to identify the right person for the right role we establish the ideal archetype for the job.  The ideal Reference Profile.  This is the archetype requirement to perform the role, if the job could talk.  


Think about one of your best employees. Not only do they do their job well, they are highly motivated, contributing to the culture and morale of the company. What would it mean to your organization if you could determine a strong job fit during the selection process?

talent development

Success lies in arming your leaders with information to manage motivate and develop their team members to their individual strengths.

The assessment is a roadmap, a guide for a deeper conversation.  However, this map is not the territory.  The territory becomes the coaching engagement for transformation.

Coaching and Leaderhip Development

Leadership Coaching is an important way to help executive team members develop leadership skills to build stronger relationships with each other and to more skillfully develop their direct reports.  The science behind the PI Behavioral Assessment™ can become a key component of your leadership team development initiatives and drive effective coaching strategies for your leaders of today and tomorrow.


The rate of change is increasing. As we  speed up the decisions, we may execute too quickly.  Continually align the needs of your clients along with the  pace of change within  your own organization.  You may exceed your wildest strategy.  

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Producing Cultures are companies that like to win.
Exploring Cultures are creatives and innovators.  Nimble, Flexible, Creative.
Stabilizing Cultures are reliable, efficient and scalable.
Cultivating Cultures are focused on developing the people. There is a collective Mission. 

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The Predictive Index® Basics

The Predictive Index methodology leverages science, technology, and knowledge transfer to help address talent acquisition, talent development, change management, and growth strategy initiatives in a business setting.

The Predictive Index® survey is a managerial assessment tool that provides insight into the natural workplace behaviors of prospective and existing employees – resulting in improved hiring decisions, team performance, overall communication, and workforce productivity.

A key element of the PI® system is the education of key managers within your organization in the interpretation and use of Predictive Index data. In the PI Management Workshop™ managers become skilled at working with all the elements of PI and gain insights into the many ways PI can be used to improve performance throughout their business.

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